About Me

Hi! My name is Kathryn Townsend, but everyone calls me Katy. I am a college student at Kennesaw State University, and I am an inspiring author and film critic. As you can see, I am an animal lover and I am a joyful nerd. My mind is filled with passionate ideas and fascinating worlds, which is why I enjoy being a storyteller in all forms.

I am currently working on my Bachelor’s Degree in English and a Minor Degree in Film. I would like to use these Degrees to find work at a Book Editing/Publishing Company, or even a Film Studio. Look further into my portfolio to see my short stories and film critiques.

KatTown Stories started as a blog for my Digital Stories class, but I have refurbished it into my digital portfolio. So please explore my various stories, contact me if you have any comments or questions, and enjoy!