The Magic of Reading

Growing up, I used to loved everything except reading books. Then, thanks to my mother and a series of coincidental events, I now love reading, and I cannot imagine my life without it. In this video, I share how Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone changed my life. To show the impact of this story on myself, I focused heavily on music that reflected the magic that overtook me while reading, and I composed the rest of the video around it. The purpose of this video is to show the power of reading, especially in my life, and I hope by sharing my story, I can potentially help others discover the magic of reading as well. I now love books, and it has given me the dream of becoming a writer.

Class Reviews

“I like the relativity of your story. From being a kid who just wants to play to falling in love with something new. I like the use of the video of the pages turning. It highlights the moments where you were getting lost in the book. Musical choice was fitting to the story, especially towards the end.” ~ LJ

“The shift in music follows the story and highlights the realization you reached. Your videos are visually engaging and keep us hooked, and the narration draws us into the story. Your story reflects the significance of the seemingly insignificant events of life in such a beautiful, simple way.” ~ Taylor Reimann

“I truly enjoyed the playful tone of your story through your choice of music, as well as the sudden twist at the discovery of Snape as Harry’s protector. It felt like we were discovering your newfound passion with you. The impact that Harry Potter had on your perspective of reading diverted my expectations. That drastic shift in tone, music, and outlook made your story all the more engaging.” ~ Cassie Helsel

 “I love your personal story. I’ve had a similar experience with my mom, she’s a librarian, although my story of choice was a series of unfortunate events. You really capture the magic of reading!” ~ Alders 

“Your digital story enlightens the audience on the significance of continual effort and determination, in this case it was with reading. The shift in your video depicts a change in thinking or turning of events and how it allowed you to grow and expand your horizons as a reader.” ~ Sam