Life on the Chattahoochee River

For my Digital Stories Course, I created an interactive article about an area and how it has grown and impacted the community around it. The area I chose is a section of the Chattahoochee River in Roswell, Georgia, and in this article, I go into how the bountiful nature in that area has impacted the community for the better, and why we must give back to the nature that has given so much to us.

Georgia is always bustling with life.

History of Chattahoochee River

The Chattahoochee River was always a respected spot for many different communities. Overtime, the people who built settlements around the Chattahoochee River over the centuries have been collectively called the Creeks. However, the various tribes settled along the river (Muscogee, Cherokee, etc) were slowly forced out of the area by settlers in the early 19th-century, and most of the tribes’ lands were taken by 1838.

Chattahoochee National Recreation Area

Chattahoochee River Pollution

Unfortunately, while the Chattahoochee River provides so much for the community, it is sad to say that the community has not entirely respected the river itself. The Chattahoochee River has become a major source of pollution due to its popularity and being used as a primary source of drinking water for Metro-Atlanta. Fortunately, since 1994, the Chattahoochee Riverkeepers