Podcast Overview: Myths and Legends

Myths and Legends is a story podcast, which narrates myths, legends, and folktales from various cultures with a casual and humorous tone. This light tone makes the complex and serious tales easy to digest while also illustrating the tales’ shocking and intriguing origins.

“These are stories from folklore that have shaped our world. Some are incredibly popular stories you think you know, but with surprising origins. Others are stories you probably haven’t heard, but really should.”

~ Jason Weiser, Myths and Legends Podcast

I personally love mythology. I have read the Percy Jackson and Olympus Heroes series, I own a a few books that contain collections of Greek and Roman myths, and I also watch Netflix series and Youtube Channels that depict various mythological stories and their origins. Therefore, once I discovered the podcast Myths and Legends, it was an easy decision to choose this podcast as

“This week, on Myths and Legends…the wedding of Thor…contains much more violence than any wedding outside of Westeros.

Jason Weiser, Myths and Legends Podcast; Episode 24: Whosoever Holds This Hammer