Story Ideas

Here is my list of ideas for my digital story for my personal narrative project.

How Harry Potter Inspired My Love of Books

Growing up, I hated having to read a book. Then one night, my mother made me read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone instead of letting me play video games. Within a month (with a fractured limb, but that’s another part of the story), I fell in love with reading, which led me to my current dream of becoming a writer.


My mother is a survivor. She survived a rough childhood. She survived Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy, and she is currently surviving as an Elementary School teacher during a pandemic. In my eyes, my mother is a hero, and her story would inspire everyone.

Living Through Depression

Sometimes I feel like I am living in a glass dome, where all sights are blurred, all sounds are muffled, and all emotions are dulled, and I have no energy to break through the thick glass in order to fully enjoy my life experiences. I will share with you my hardships, but I will also tell you how I get through those tough moments in my life. and how I keep moving forward.